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Sunday, April 14, 2013


Our City Councilmember, Brad Lander, is the guest speaker at this month's meeting of the Albemarle Neighborhood Association (ANA). His topic will be "Participatory Budgeting," the project in participatory democracy that he brought to his City Council district last year and again this year. 

The meeting will take place this Thursday, April 18th, from 7:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m., in University Place.

About the Albemarle Neighborhood Association

Since its founding in 1973, ANA has worked to advance the quality of life for Kensington residents. Its meetings, open to members and non-members alike, provide a forum for addressing the issues of safety, security, and quality of life. You're invited to go to a meeting and share in the process. 

ANA has helped create a safe and stable neighborhood by working closely with members, residents, city agencies, and elected officials to address key issues.

You're welcome to join ANA and help strengthen the oldest neighborhood association in Brooklyn. Membership is open to everyone who resides or owns a business within the area that ANA serves:

  • north: the north side of Caton Avenue
  • south: the south side of Beverley Road
  • west: the west side of McDonald Avenue
  • east: the east side of Ocean Parkway 
Membership dues per year for an individual or a family are $20.
Associate Membership dues per year for business owners are $25.

Meetings are held in March, April, May, June, September, October, and November.

Foodtown and ANA provide free refreshments.

"Our Neighborhood's Quality of Life Is up To You!"

Meeting location:
University Place Student Lounge
385 McDonald Avenue, across from Foodtown
Kensington, Brooklyn, NY 11218