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Thursday, March 21, 2013


Project Expo for District 39 Participatory Budgeting
Thursday, March 21st, 6:30 p.m. to 8:30 p.m.

Participatory budgeting in New York City means that residents of a neighborhood decide what one million dollars of their city councilmember's budget will be spent on in that neighborhood.

City Councilmember Brad Lander will host a participatory budgeting expo featuring twenty-four capital improvement projects that community members have developed. Residents of his city council district will choose the ones they want funded. The projects will be listed on the participatory budgeting ballot when the district votes in early April. Residents from age sixteen on up are eligible to vote.

One of the projects for Kensington that can be voted for is the construction of a larger plaza space at the triangle intersection of Church Avenue, 14th Avenue, and 35th Street.

Another project for Kensington to vote for would build curb extensions at the intersection of Church and McDonald avenues and the intersection of Church and Coney Island avenues in order to make those two intersections safer for pedestrians who are trying to cross the street in any direction.

The expo will be held at the Park Slope Library at 431 6th Avenue at 9th Street.

Last year, the seven projects that received the most votes on the  participatory budgeting ballot were

  • Bathroom Renovation for the Children of PS 124: Renovate two dysfunctional bathrooms that serve over 136 of the youngest students daily in a high-needs elementary school.
  • Brooklyn Neighbors Composting: Pest-free, smell-free compost system near Gowanus Canal uses 1 ton/day of our food scraps collected at local greenmarkets and schools to create rich soil for our gardens, parks, and trees.
  • District 39 Tree Planting: Plant 170 new trees and install tree guards on blocks with few or no trees.
  • Technology: A Better Future for PS 154/PS 130 Students: Installation of 15 Smartboards (PS 130), 45 13" Macbook computers with 2 carts and 2 wireless printers (PS 154 grades 1, 3, & 4).
  • Prospect Park Pedestrian Pathway Rehabilitation: Repair Prospect Park pedestrian paths near Park Circle and Long Meadow to prevent flooding, add 10 trash cans in park.
  • Pedestrian Hazards at the Prospect Expressway: Repairs & additions to badly damaged and dangerous 9 lane Prospect Expressway pedestrian crossing, area and landscape.
  • Kensington Library Resources and Community Space: New books/DVDs & equipment for small room for meetings, storytelling, rehearsals, and performances promoting Kensington's cultural diversity.

Vote for your favorite capital projects on April 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 6th, or 7th at the following locations:

Tuesday, April 2nd through Thursday, April 4th
7:30 a.m. to 8:00 p.m.

Councilmember Lander’s District Office
456 5th Avenue, 3rd floor, near 9th Street, above Neergaard's

Saturday, April 6th
10:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m.

Carroll Gardens Library
396 Clinton Street at Union Street

Kings Bay Y at Windsor Terrace
1224 Prospect Avenue 
at Vanderbilt Street

Old Stone House
336 3rd St (Washington Park)

Sunday, April 7th
10:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.

Beth Jacob Day Care 
1363 46th Street at 14th Avenue

P.S. 230 Lower School
425 McDonald Avenue 
between Church Avenue and Albemarle Road

Park Slope Armory YMCA
361 15th Street 
between 7th and 8th avenues

Carroll Park House
Carroll and Smith streets