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Thursday, January 17, 2013


Kings County District Attorney
Saturday, January 19th,11:30 a.m. to noon

Kings County District Attorney Charles J. Hynes will be the guest speaker at Flatbush Jewish Center in honor of Martin Luther King Jr. Day.

In 2011, Mr. Hynes said he didn't object to frum/haredi/formerly-described-as-ultra-Orthodox Jews having to ask a rabbi for permission to tell a district attorney or police about allegations of child sexual abuse within their communities. If the rabbi determined that the allegations weren't credible, they weren't reported to any secular authorities.

In an about-face in 2012, after receiving much criticism, Mr. Hynes' office prosecuted Nechemya Weberman, a rabbi in the Satmar Hasidic community in Williamsburg, on fifty-nine separate counts for his sexual abuse of a child he had counseled from ages 12 to 15. Prosecuted and won.

Saturday's talk offers an opportunity to let the D.A. know that you're pleased the case was brought to trial and pleased with the outcome. Encourage him to continue to aggressively prosecute child sexual abuse cases and not yield to pressure from the religious communities where the accused and the accuser live.

A light reception (kiddush) will follow D.A. Hynes' talk.

Flatbush Jewish Center
327 East 5th Street, at the corner of Church Avenue
Kensington, Brooklyn, New York 11218

phone: (718) 871-5200
fax: (718) 871-5204