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Monday, January 28, 2013


The 2012 Annual Report: Revolutionary Civics in Action, issued today by City Councilmember Brad Lander, reports on what he and his constituents' achieved in 2012 by working together. Reprinted here are the projects that benefit Kensington, Windsor Terrace, or both. Let's see what we can get done in 2013!
Safe Streets

Within the 39th Council District, my office partners with our local precincts and the NYC Department of Transportation to find safety solutions for streets in our neighborhoods. For instance, many people in Park Slope and Windsor Terrace have called for safety improvements to Bartel-Pritchard Square and 15th Street. After years of advocacy, Community Boards 6 and 7 and I welcomed the reconfiguration of the circle, including installation of a new traffic light at 15th Street, as well as new markings to prevent vehicles from cutting across traffic. A new bike lane is also planned for 15th Street (along with bike arrows on 14th Street) to enhance the safety of a popular biking route and deter speeding.

Continuing work with the NYC Department of Transportation to make repairs and additions to the badly damaged and dangerous nine-lane Prospect Expressway pedestrian crossing at Church Avenue, using funds awarded through Participatory Budgeting.

Public Transit

Installation of a new globe and fencing at the Fort Hamilton Parkway F/G subway station, in response to research compiled by Participatory Budgeting delegates.

Won service restorations for B61 and B69 buses and permanent extension of the G train to Church Avenue.

Livable Neighborhoods: Plazas, Parks, Libraries, and Landmarks
This year, we welcomed the reopening of the...new Kensington Library, where work is underway to outfit the community room for small performances with funds awarded through Participatory Budgeting.

Public spaces breathe life into our neighborhoods. In Kensington, when residents put forth an idea for creating a small plaza on an widened sidewalk on Church Avenue, my office brought together neighbors and City agencies to discuss a plan to add a few trees, benches, and granite blocks – to create a small space where people can sit for a few minutes, to enjoy an ice cream, coffee, or conversation. In June, we celebrated the installation of Kensington Plaza with inaugural plantings in the tree beds. Since then, the NYC Department of Transportation installed a new high visibility crosswalk at the intersection and a new streetlight. And a new volunteer group – the Kensington Plaza Stewards – maintains the plaza and organizes informal community gatherings.

Working closely with the Windsor Terrace community’s Green Beans Not Walgreens campaign to push for a new grocery store in Windsor Terrace following the closure of Key Food.

Continuing to push for a full-service supermarket in Windsor Terrace.

As part of the planned improvements for Dome Playground [Borough Park], which I funded in conjunction with Borough President Marty Markowitz, there will be a community meeting with the NYC Department of Parks to discuss renovation of the playground. The International Mother Language monument, which was popular in the diverse, vibrant, and growing Kensington community during Participatory Budgeting, will be one of the elements under discussion.