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Sunday, April 22, 2012


When the Kensington branch of the Brooklyn Public Library (BPL) opens this fall, it'll be the first in the BPL system to be designated as "green." The branch will be "LEED certified" (Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design) because of its "energy savings, water efficiency, CO2  emissions reduction, improved indoor environmental quality, and stewardship of resources and sensitivity to their impacts."

The location of the Kensington Library (now at 410 Ditmas Avenue, between E. 4th and E. 5th streets) will be 4209-4217 18th Avenue, between E. 2nd and E. 3rd streets.

This is the first announcement the Daily News made about the construction of the new building:
Councilman Noach Dear on Friday unveiled the site for a new public library branch.
Dear secured about $4 million for the library from the City Council budget.
Construction of the library branch, at 4209-4217 18th Ave., will begin in about a year.
It's said that good things come to those who wait. Well, this has been quite a wait: that announcement was published on August 3, 1998!