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Sunday, April 1, 2012


The results are in on District 39's participatory budgeting vote! The seven projects chosen by the 2,213 voters to receive funding from City Councilmember Brad Lander's 2012-2013 budget and some additional sources are:
  • Bathroom Renovation for the Children of PS 124: Renovate two dysfunctional bathrooms that serve over 136 of the youngest students daily in a high-needs elementary school.
  • Brooklyn Neighbors Composting: Pest-free, smell-free compost system near Gowanus Canal uses 1 ton/day of our food scraps collected at local greenmarkets and schools to create rich soil for our gardens, parks, and trees.
  • District 39 Tree Planting: Plant 170 new trees and install tree guards on blocks with few or no trees.
  • Technology: A Better Future for PS 154/PS 130 Students: Installation of 15 Smartboards (PS 130), 45 13" Macbook computers with 2 carts and 2 wireless printers (PS 154 grades 1, 3, & 4).
  • Prospect Park Pedestrian Pathway Rehabilitation: Repair Prospect Park pedestrian paths near Park Circle and Long Meadow to prevent flooding, add 10 trash cans in park.
  • Pedestrian Hazards at the Prospect Expressway: Repairs & additions to badly damaged and dangerous 9 lane Prospect Expressway pedestrian crossing, area and landscape.
  • Kensington Library Resources and Community Space: New books/DVDs & equipment for small room for meetings, storytelling, rehearsals, and performances promoting Kensington's cultural diversity.
To see the number of votes each of those seven projects received, go to Councilmember Lander's Twitter page.

Councilmember Lander added on his Facebook page "I also committed tonight to move fwd on bus clocks [BusTime "count-down" clocks], Ft. Ham subway station [Flowers: First Fix For Flooding at Ft Hamilton F/G], repaving 50th St [50th Street Repaving Project], and Int'l Mother Language monument [International Mother Language Monument]."

Thank you to everyone in the district who worked so hard to make this all happen!