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Saturday, March 31, 2012


Waiting on line

New York City Councilmember Brad Lander

Councilmember Lander (in a rare moment of holding still)
The line stretched from one end of the Windsor Terrace Library to the other, snaking around and between equipment and furniture. Kensington and Windsor Terrace residents waited on line--patiently!--for fifteen or twenty minutes to cast their votes for between one and five of the twenty capital projects on the ballot.

Thank you, City Councilmember Brad Lander, for offering your constituents the opportunity to determine how $1,000,000 of your 2012-2013 budget will be spent.

Thank you, Brooklynites in City Council District 39 who attended the neighborhood assemblies, for suggesting projects to improve your neighborhoods.

Thank you, Budget Delegates, for researching the possibilities, consulting with city agencies, and devoting four months of your time, energy, and brainpower to the district and to to the neighborhoods you love.