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Wednesday, March 28, 2012


 On the video, 18:58 through 24:58 is a repeat 
of what immediately precedes it.

At last night's annual election for chairperson of Community Board 12, Alan Dubrow, the incumbent, was defeated by a 2-to-1 margin by board member Yidel Perlstein.

Perlstein had been endorsed by New York City Councilmember David Greenfield and Assemblymember Dov Hikind, although Hikind rescinded his endorsement shortly before the election. The election results were 28 votes for Perlstein, 14 for Dubrow, and one abstention, making Perlstein the new chairperson.

Minutes before the election, a vote was held to see if it would even take place. Board members voted either for or against Dubrow's ruling on a by-law that he said was pertinent to Perlstein's eligibility for office. 

Dubrow's ruling concerned Article 7 of CB 12's by-laws. The article states that a candidate "must have served for the prior calendar year" in order to be eligible to hold an office. Dubrow asked Corporation Counsel of the City of New York to rule on Perlstein's eligibility. They said the by-law requires a candidate to serve for a full calendar year, not a portion of a calendar year.

Dubrow agreed with that ruling and presented it at the meeting. He said that Perlstein wasn't eligible to serve as chairperson because, having been appointed to the board in June 2011, he hadn't yet served on the board for a full calendar year.

A board member cited Article 9, Section D of the by-laws as saying that the chairperson shall have the power to decide all questions of laws and procedures, but an appeal to the chairperson's ruling shall be decided by the majority.

Twenty-six board members voted "yes" (disagreed with Dubrow's ruling on the by-law), sixteen voted "no" (agreed with Dubrow's ruling), and one abstained. The vote results allowed the election to go forward.

Dubrow had been chairperson since 1990 and has been a member of Community Board 12 since 1978.