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Wednesday, March 7, 2012


Kensington Felony Crime Report
Mon Feb 20 to Sun Feb 26,2012

All information is courtesy of the 66 Precinct.

In Sector G—from Beverley Rd to Ave F; from 37th Street to Coney Island Ave
Tues Feb 21    Grand Larceny, Auto @ Ocean Pkwy & Cortelyou Rd
When he returned to spot where he’d parked his car legally, a 24-yr-old man discovered it was gone. The police conducted a canvass of the area and also made phone calls to the Marshall’s and Sheriff’s offices and to DOT, but came up empty handed. No cameras at location to assist their search. The man said there was a $3,000 lien against the car.

Sat Feb 25    Grand Larceny @ Ocean Pkwy & Av C
A young man, 23, discovered the window on the driver side of his parked car had been broken and items taken. No camera to record event, and canvass turned up empty. 

In Sector K: from Caton Av to Beverley Rd; from 37 St to Coney Island Av
Fri Feb 24    Attempted Burglary @ 35 St & 12 Av
A neighbor told this 32-yr-old woman that he saw an unknown man in her backyard. When he yelled at the stranger, the man jumped off the fence and ran into the street. The woman could find nothing missing in her apartment. There were no cameras at location to witness event, and the police canvass yielded nothing. 

Sat Feb 25    Burglary @ Clara St & Dahill Rd
When he came to check on his parents’ home, the son noticed it was in disarray. He’s not sure if any property was taken, but someone entered through a side window. His 65-yr-old mother has been in Florida since November. No camera present.