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Wednesday, March 14, 2012


From the 66th Precinct Community Council:

Tomorrow night Thursday March,15 will be the Monthly 66 precinct Community Council meeting at 5910 13th Ave. 7:30pm. You are invited to come meet Deputy Inspector John Sprague, the Commanding Officer of the 66 Precinct update the community on the latest crimes in our community, and what is being done about it. There is also an opportunity to bring any crime issues you may have to their attention. You can also find out about the many different programs available that may be of interest to you.

The event is open to the public so let your friends and neighbors know.

We The Community Council
     President: Marc Katz
     Vice President: Felix Burgos
     Recording Secretary: Fran Starapoli
     Treasurer: Tony Pedri
     Sergeant At Arms: Ari Weiss
     Corresponding Secretary: Mohammed J. Alam
     Assistant Secretary: Hymie Mochon 
Kensington residents, if you have questions about any of the felonies reported on this blog--those involving machine guns or large hand guns, for instance--or if you have questions about helicopters hovering overhead late at night with their spotlights shining, please go to the meeting and ask them!