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Monday, February 6, 2012


Kensington Felony Crime Summary
from December 26, 2011, to January 29, 2012

Descriptions of the felonies occurring in Kensington come courtesy of the 66 Precinct. Any questions should be directed to its Community Affairs office: (718) 851-5601, Detectives Michael Milici and Vincent Galeno.

The NYPD splits its precincts into workable areas called sectors. Kensington's consists of Sectors G and K: Sector G covers from Beverley Rd to Ave F, from 37 Street to Coney Island Avenue; Sector K runs from Caton Ave to Beverley Rd and from 37 Street to Coney Island Ave.

Felonies: Mon 12/26/2011Sun 1/08/2012 
Sector G:
Wed. December 28  Burglary @ Cortelyou Road
Someone took the property of this 23-yr-old man while he was at work. The thief entered his apartment through the rear window. He also found the deadbolt unlocked although he’d locked it when he left.  A police canvas of the location yielded nothing.

Thurs. December 29  Burglary @ E. 3rd Street 
A 50-yr-old woman, returning from her holiday trip, discovered her jewelry was gone. The thief entered through her kitchen window. A police canvas came up empty.

Fri. December 30  Grand Larceny @ E. 8th Street
A thief took the side tires and rims from the passenger side of a 24-yr-old man’s parked car. 

Sector K
Sat. December 31  Burglary @ E. 2nd Street
A 58-yr-old man says someone broke through his rear window and took electronics and jewelry.  
Fri. January 6  Robbery @ McDonald Ave
According to the 43 yr-old woman victim, she had just withdrawn money from the Astoria Federal Savings bank at 101 Church Ave at McDonald. When a couple grabbed her at the front door of her home, they forcibly took her bag containing $10,000 and her credit cards. The woman thief then fled south on McDonald and east on Albemarle, while the man rode off in a grey/silver Suburban (a Nissan Quest?) driven by another man. The victim hurt her knee when she grabbed onto the van as it fled. A police canvas yielded nothing.

Felonies: Mon 1/9/2012Sun 1/15/2012 
Sector G
Wed. January 11  Burglary @ E. 9 Street
A thief had a productive day. By going through a living room window the perp gained entrance to a 54- yr-old man’s apartment where he stole the man’s electronics and jewelry. Fleeing through a kitchen door at the rear, the thief then gained access to a second person’s apartment in the building by going through the basement. Once again the thief took stuff.

Wed. January 11  Burglary @ Ditmas Ave 
Someone took cash and other personal items from a 45-yr-old’s apartment by entering from the fire escape.

Thurs. January 12  Burglary @ McDonald and Church avenues
When the 30-yr-old woman opened her apartment door, the thief fled, mumbling incoherently.  He had made a thorough search of her bedroom, going through her drawers and taking numerous pieces of jewelry.  It is believed the thief entered by circumventing the single lock to the apartment.

Felonies:  Mon. 1/16–Sun. 1/22/2012
Sector G:
Wed. January 18  Burglary @
Ocean Pkwy
Someone took items from a 50-yr-old man’s home. The victim said the thief could have gained entrance through an unlocked window in the living room.

Sun. January 22  Robbery @ McDonald & Ditmas avenues 
While he was counting his money, someone punched this man on the left side of his face, leaving lacerations. The mugger took the man’s cash, then fled toward Church Avenue

Sun. January 22  Robbery @ Coney Island Ave
Muggers punched a 41-yr-old man, grabbed his property, and fled in a direction unknown.

Sector K:                
Wed. January 18  Grand Larceny @ Dahill Rd
Someone called an 86-yr-old man on his home landline, pretending to be his grandson.  The “grandson” said he was involved in a car accident in Bolivia and needed $13,262 through Western Union. 

Sat. January 21  Grand Larceny @ E. 8 St & Church Ave
After visiting a friend at this location, a 38-yr-old man found the passenger side rear window of his parked car broken and property taken from it.

Felonies: Mon 1/23–Sun 1/29/2012     
Sector G:
Tues. January 24  Robbery @ McDonald Ave
An 18-yr-old man said he was mugged by three perps who followed him, came up from behind, pushed him to the ground, and hit him in the face.  Once he was down, they took property from his right and left jeans’ pocket.  The face punches left the young man with physical injuries to his right cheek, a bloody nose and complaining of neck pain.  Det. Solomon conducted an unsuccessful canvas of area. 

Tues. January 24  Burglary @ McDonald Ave
Someone took property from a business premise by climbing through an unlocked rear fire escape window. The perp also pried open the front office door damaging it and the doorframe. 

Thurs. January 26  Robbery @ Ocean Pkwy & Church Ave
A woman caller arranged a meeting with a 20-yr-old Kensington man to finalize details for a phone he’d posted on Craigslist.  At the rendez-vous, the young man gave the phone to a woman to look at. Then from behind him an unknown man said, “Punk Bitch” and sprayed the young man’s face with pepper spray. The perps took off in a Mercedes Sedan with the phone down Ocean Parkway.

Sector K: 
Sat. January 28  Robbery @ Coney Island & Church avenues
According to the victim, while he was walking on the sidewalk two people came up to him from behind.  Perp #1 took his property from his back pocket while perp #2 was punching him in the back of his neck, forcefully enough to cause pain. No results from the police canvas.