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Wednesday, January 4, 2012


From the 70th Precinct:
Greetings from the 70th Precinct,*
Happy New Year from the 70th Precinct. On behalf of myself, Deputy Inspector Eric Rodriguez, Captain Matthew Harrington (our new Executive Officer),and the members of the 70th Precinct, we would like to wish you and your family a Happy and Healthy New Year. As the Commander of the 70th Precinct it is a pleasure to serve and protect the members of the Flatbush, Midwood and Kensington communities.
As we approach the closure of another safe year, I would like to thank the members of this community for working together with the Precinct to help us reduce crime in your communities.  Currently Crime is down 4% in the precinct. In an effort to maintain this downward trend in crime, we recommend that you keep safety as your main goal.

With this in mind, please be aware that our issues of concern are electronic driven crimes. For example; theft of cell phones, laptops, GPS and I-pads. Therefore, please protect your property, but do not get hurt in the process.

The Precinct has various units that are here to assist with the protection and identification of your items by placing invisible etches into your property which would allow us to Id your property if it is stolen. There are additional protections offered by the cell phone carriers now which offer new Applications that you can purchase to immediately shut your phone off.

Identity theft is a growing problem. Please follow these easy to follow tips that could help prevent you from being a victim!
  • SHRED ALL FINANCIAL AND IMPORTANT DOCUMENTS Anything that has your social security number, your date of birth, bank or credit card information, ATM/credit card receipts even things with your name and address can be valuable to identity thieves.
  • USE STRONG PASSWORDS/PIN NUMBERS                            Never use your date of birth, anniversaries or nicknames that others might be able to guess. Do not use the same passwords on all of your accounts. Try to change your passwords every few months.
  • OPT-OUT OF UNSOLICITED CREDIT CARD OFFERS                  If one of these unsolicited offers gets into an ID thief’s hands they can try to open up an account in your name. Visit the National Credit Bureau’s opt-out website: www.optoutprescreen.com. To stop solicitations over the phone put your telephone numbers on the Do Not Call Registry, www.donotcall.gov or 888-382-1222.
  • PROTECT YOUR SOCIAL SECURITY NUMBER                          Do not put it on applications or forms unless it is absolutely necessary (mortgage or credit applications, health insurance forms will usually require them).  If you must give your social security number to a company find out what their privacy policy is and what steps they take to protect your information. Do not carry your number or your card with you in your wallet.
  • READ CREDIT CARD BILLS/BACK STATEMENTS EACH MONTH                                                                                      Make sure all of the charges are correct. If you are unsure about a charge or a debit call your credit card company and/or your financial institutions.
  • KEEP YOUR PERSONAL INFORMATION IN A SECURE PLACE  Copies of tax returns, your social security card, your birth certificate, back record or any other documents that have identifying information should not be easily accessible to anyone. Be especially careful if you employ outside help or if you are having work done in your house.
  • DON’T GIVE OUT PERSONAL INFORMATION                             If you receive a call or an email from a bank or a credit card company EVEN if it is your bank or Credit Card Company-Do Not give out information. Call back the number you have on your bill or your card to verify that they need information.
  • BE CAREFUL WHEN YOU VISIT ONLINE SITES                        Do not put personal information such as addresses or telephone numbers on places like dating sites or friend sites. Be responsible when in online chat rooms. Talk to your children about these subjects and check their online profiles to make sure that they do not put personal or identifying information on them. Do not click on links sent to you in unsolicited emails-even if it appears to be a website that you know.
  • CREDIT CARDS                                                                               When you go out, don’t carry all of your credit cards at the same time. Bring only the one you are going to use. If you get a new credit card or bank card sigh it right away. Also think about canceling the ones that you don’t use. Don’t lend them to anyone.
  • WHEN PAYING-KEEP CREDIT CARD IN SIGHT                   When you go to pay for goods or services make sure the person running the card does it in front of you. Although this might not be convenient at restaurants, ask your waiter where they run the cards and walk yours over to cashier (or pay cash).
  • ORDER YOUR CREDIT REPORTS                                              You should order your credit reports at least once a year. The three main credit reporting agencies are: Equifax, Experian and Trans Union.

*DON’T DRINK AND DRIVE!!* Have A Happy and Safe New Year from Deputy Inspector Eric Rodriguez and the 70th Precinct family!

If you See Something! Say Something!

70th Precinct
154 Lawrence Avenue
Brooklyn, NY 11230
(718) 851-5557