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Saturday, January 21, 2012


Please note:
Last Thursday at 4:45, a 14 year old girl on Ft. Hamilton Parkway and East 5th was stopped by a man, 30-ish, driving a navy or black Cadillac sort of car (that is all the description the police have). The man  tried to chat with the girl and offered her a lift. The girl said, NO, leave me alone, and walked away. The man pursued her. Smartly, she turned up a one way street going the wrong way for his car in order to lose him. He drove around the corner and came down the one way street and continued to pursue her. She took off and ran. While the guy was not caught, the police said the charge will be aggravated harassment.

This has been reported to the police but if you have teenage daughters, we are just spreading the word. This girl handled herself very well in this situation.
Amelia, co-moderator

Originally posted on KWT Neighbors by Amelia Costigan, co-moderator, and reprinted here with her permission.