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Friday, December 16, 2011


"The recent attacks in the neighborhood have resulted in an increased demand for information about staying safe. The Center for Anti-Violence Education (a local nonprofit that’s been providing anti-violence programs in this neighborhood and throughout NYC for 37 years) is working with local organizations to tailor workshops and educational programs to fit the needs of the public."
The Center has designed a short survey for women, transpeople, and parents so it can determine how to improve the anti-violence services (violence prevention and self-defense programs) it provides to adults and youth.

The survey is confidential, but you can provide contact information, if you like. Everyone who completes the survey will be entered in a drawing to attend a free violence prevention workshop, and five winners will be chosen.

Please let others know about this survey.

The Center for Anti-Violence Education
327 7th Street, 2nd Floor
Brooklyn, NY 11215
(718) 788-1775