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Thursday, December 15, 2011


Statement by Ruby Malik, organizer for New York Communities for Change (posted with permission):
"Rally Against Wage Theft in Kensington!
Workers at Golden Farm supermarket (329 Church Ave, between E. 3rd St. and E. 4th St.) have organized to sue the owner of the store, Mr. Sonny Kim, for back wages and for a contract that guarantees them basic benefits on the job. For many years, workers worked 70+ hour work weeks for less than minimum wage. Mr. Kim started paying minimum wage in March after the publication of the following article:
However, the workers that have organized have been continually threatened and harassed on the job due to their organizing efforts. They are still owed their back wage and have no rights on the job. New York Communities for Change and members of the community are coming together to support the workers.
We need your support! See you Friday!

WHAT: Rally Against Wage Theft in Kensington
WHEN: Friday, December 16 @ NOON
WHERE: Golden Farm Supermarket, 326 Church Ave., between E. 3rd Street and E. 4th.

For more information please call Lucas Sanchez at 646 - 600 - 2426.

For more information on the campaign please see:
