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Saturday, December 24, 2011


Open Heart Meditation and Group Reiki TUMMO Channeling
Saturday, January 14th, 1:30 p.m.
Saturday, February 11th, 1:30 p.m.
Saturday, March 10th, 1:30 p.m.

These three free meet-ups of Reiki TUMMO & Open Heart Meditation of NYC & Lower CT will be held at the Windsor Terrace Library.
"All truth is in your heart, not in the physical heart, but in the core within yourself where your true self resides. To access that truth you must open your heart and Reiki TUMMO can help you do just that. When you learn Reiki TUMMO you are introduced to energy channeling for healing, but also as a tool to lead you into your heart so you can learn directly from your heart, rather than from others." Irmansyah Effendi M.Sc (founder)
This group is open to everyone and we are dedicated to sharing and providing a space where others may come to share and learn more about Reiki Tummo, Kundalini, and the spiritual Heart.
The spiritual Heart, the key to deep calmness, inner peace, happiness and spiritual growth, is the foundation of Open Heart Meditation and Reiki Tummo. Reiki Tummo offers an energy system that incorporates learning about our spiritual hearts and energy bodies while healing physical, mental, emotional and other non-physical parts of our being.
Through a series of gentle steps and courses, Reiki Tummo prepares the foundations to support your continuing spiritual growth and development. So come along and be prepared to smile, relax, and experience the sweet feelings of Love radiating from within your Heart :-)
You can learn more about Reiki-Tummo at: www.reikitummo.com or www.padmacahaya.com.
160 East 5th Street, at the corner of Fort Hamilton Parkway
in the meeting room to the right after the 2nd entrance doors 
Windsor Terrace, Brooklyn