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Thursday, November 17, 2011


The PIMS unit of the 66th Precinct tells us that four crimes were reported in Sector G (Caton Avenue to Beverley Road) and four  in Sector K (Beverley Road to Avenue F) during the week of November 7th through November 13th.
    Sector G
    • Burglary: November 8th, 11:00 a.m., E. 4th Street. A female stated that an unknown perpetrator(s) entered her home, possibly through a living room window that had been left open, and removed her property.
    • Burglary: November 8th, noon, along Ocean Parkway and Beverley Road. A business reported that while working, an unknown perpetrator removed tools from the business' parked truck.
    • Burglary: November 9th, 9:30 a.m., McDonald Avenue. A male stated that an unknown perpetrator(s) entered his apartment through an unknown point of entry and removed items.
    • Burglary: November 11th, 4:00 p.m., E. 2nd Street. A business reported that its truck was parked and business tools were removed from it.
    Sector K
    • Robbery: November 9th, 1:30 p.m., along E. 7th Street and Caton Avenue. A male stated that three sixteen-to-seventeen-year-old males threatened to shoot him, and they removed property from him. The perpetrators fled on foot to an unknown location.
    • Robbery: November 11th, 12:48 a.m. A male from a business reported that two males entered the location, displayed a black firearm, and removed cash from the register. The perpetrators fled westbound on Church Avenue.
    • Burglary: November 11th, 1:30 p.m., 37th Street between 12th and 13th avenues. A business reported that an unknown perpetrator entered, possibly through an unlocked front entrance, and removed an Apple I-Mac computer.
    • Robbery: November 11th, 9:01 p.m. A female reported that while walking home from a train station, an eighteen-year-old male approached and forcibly dragged her to the ground, causing an injury, and removed her cellphone. An arrest was made.