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Tuesday, October 4, 2011


This is from a friend of mine and is reprinted here with her permission.
Hello Neighbors especially Ladies!
Just a heads up that no matter what time of day, it's advisable to sit near the front of the bus near the driver no matter what.

Cautionary Tale: I was on the B67 Bus from Union Street/7th Avenue to McDonald and Greenwood yesterday at 11:00AM. I had a box of groceries, so sat in the only empty seat near the back of the bus. As the bus moved south and started emptying out I found myself in the back with only one other person - a 17 year oldish kid. 

As he got up to leave he violently jerked the box of groceries from me, hurled insults at me and tried to spit in my face, hitting me only on the shoulder. After threatening me several times (i'm gonna eff you up, i'm crazy !) he got off at 19th Street and 8th Avenue at Bishop Ford High School.

Shaken up I went to the front to ask the bus driver if he had seen the kid before, she replied no and that she hadn't heard him yelling at me or me defending myself. Buses are loud, so if you ride alone stay in the front of the bus!