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Monday, October 17, 2011


Brad Lander, our City Councilmember, has $1,000,000 for spending in his district on capital projects. It could be used for 
  • additional security cameras and better lighting in and around the subway stations,
  • paving roads,
  • repairing sidewalks,
  • improving street lighting,
  • creating a dog run,
  • technology for the schools,
  • technology for the library,
  • tree guards,
  • litter baskets, and
  • any other equipment, construction, or repairs that you can think of.
Here's a  reminder from Brad about tonight's meeting:
By now, you’ve probably heard a lot about participatory budgeting, the exciting new initiative that lets you decide how tax dollars are spent in our neighborhood. Over the next several months, we will start to put budgeting decisions directly in the hands of the people those decisions will impact most – that means you. 

The process starts tomorrow with a Neighborhood Assembly in Kensington, where you can join other residents to learn more about your new role in setting our budgeting priorities … and then offer your ideas for projects that could be built in our neighborhood. Over 50 of your Kensington neighbors have already registered to attend this important event. Please join us and make sure your voice is heard. 

Here are the details: 

Participatory Budgeting Neighborhood Assembly
Monday, October 17th, 6:30 PM
PS 230, at 1 Albemarle Road (between McDonald Avenue and Dahill Road)
RSVP here 

Also, we still need volunteers to help at this historic assembly (and similar meetings in other neighborhoods). If you would like to volunteer, either to help spread the word about the assembly or to work at the assembly itself, please email me at lander [at] council.nyc.gov.

Can you be there tomorrow? You can RSVP here.

Please join us – we want to hear about the issues that matter most to you. You’ve probably heard politicians say that before, but this time, your ideas will be turned into real project proposals, and next spring, you and your neighbors will go to the ballot box to decide which projects will be funded. This is real money. I’ve allocated $1 million in capital funding to these projects, and it’s up to you to decide how it gets spent. Just like democracy, this process will only work if you participate.

For additional meeting dates, and for updates on the participatory budgeting process, please visit BradLander.com/PB. I hope you’ll join us to make this process a success.


Serving the neighborhoods of Cobble Hill, Carroll Gardens, Park Slope, 
Windsor Terrace, Borough Park, and Kensington
456 5th Avenue, 3rd Floor * Brooklyn, NY 11215 * 718-499-1090