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Tuesday, October 18, 2011


Tracy Hobson, executive director of the Center for Anti-Violence Education,
offers this advice on self-defense in the Daily News:
- Scream first. "Stand up for yourself. Yell. Aim to use your voice as a weapon instead of being physical."
- If the creep doesn't leave, get ready to fight using closed fists to block your face and an open palm to strike.
- When hitting, aim for the eyes, nose or throat - places on the body that are soft and easy to hurt.
- When kicking, target the knees with a swift kick using the heel of the shoe.
She also offers advice on self-defense strategies in this radio interview.

A caller to the program made a statement that, unfortunately, is true.
"I live in Kensington, and until I heard it on NYC, and now I've looked on the blogs, I hadn't heard about this. There aren't signs up in my neighborhood, in my part of the neighborhood. In Park Slope, I've seen signs, but not in this end."
The southern part of Windsor Terrace doesn't have any signs (NYPD wanted fliers) either.