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Monday, October 3, 2011


Thirty-five out of fifty-one New York City Councilmembers sponsored the "Paid Sick Time Act" last year. They would have voted in favor of it if it had been brought to the Council floor for a vote. Instead, the bill got laid over by the Committee on Civil Service and Labor--even though six out of seven Committee members sponsored the bill. Politics works in mysterious ways....

Kensington resident Cari Jackson is working on a rally in Windsor Terrace/Kensington in support of the Paid Sick Time Act. She writes "The New York City Paid Sick Leave Act will give everyone 5 to 9 accrued paid sick days (depending on the size of the company), and parents will be able to use the days to care for a sick child."

But the bill can't be voted on until it's released by the Committee. To that end, Cari has created a petition: New York City Council Speaker: Let the Paid Sick Time Act come to a vote!

You don't need to be a parent to sign the petition.