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Thursday, September 15, 2011


The Members of Community Board 12

Each Community Board in New York City has fifty members who are appointed by their City Councilmember or Borough President to two-year staggered terms; every year, the term of half of the members expires. There are no term limits.

For the 2011-2012 year, City Councilmember Brad Lander appointed three new members to represent Kensington and Boro Park on Community Board 12: Annie Ferdous, Mamnunul Haq, and Akiva Kizelnik.

The fifty members of Community Board 12 are:
  • Sandy Aboulafia, Tamar Abraham, Yakov Abramov, Abe Berkovic, Anna Cali, Jacob Daskal, Alan J. Dubrow, Joel Eisdorfer, Rabbi Tzvi Englard
  • Roberta Feinstein, Annie Ferdous, Vincent Fiordimondo, Jules Fleischer, Rabbi Bernard Freilich, Jacque Friedman, Sharon Fuchs
  • Aron Getter, Rabbi Edgar Gluck, Jacob Haas, P.E., Edward Handler, Mamnunul Haq, Samuel Mendy Israel, Douglas Jablon, Joseph Jacobs, Larry Jayson
  • Mordechai Katz, Akiva Kizelnik, Joseph Levy, Lily Marinelli, Aaron Minz, Eli J. Oiring, Dr.Joan Pastore, Yidel Perlstein, Morty Pupko
  • Peter Rebenwurzel, Mendel Reiner, Morris Senderovic, David Shlomovich, Amy Sicignano, Yeruchim Silber, Samuel Stober, Dr. Stanley Sussman
  • Margaret Tobin, Aaron Tyk, David Vogel, Sol Wahba, Joshua Weinstein, Moshe H. Wieder, Rochelle Zami, Mendel Zilberberg
The public is welcome to attend General Meetings of Brooklyn Community Board 12. Meetings are held on the fourth Tuesday of the month, September through June, 7:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. They're rescheduled for an earlier Thursday for some holidays.

Amico Senior Center, 5901 13th Avenue, 3rd floor, at the corner of 59th Street. Enter on 59th Street. Phone: (718) 851-0800. Fax: (718) 851-4140. E-mail: bk12 [at] cb.nyc.gov. Chairperson: Alan J. Dubrow. District Manager: Wolf Sender.