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Wednesday, August 10, 2011


Garden of Eve Farm Tour and BBQ Lunch
 Sunday, August 14th, 11:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m.
Open to
Community Supported Agriculture Members
and Members of the Public

From Garden of Eve Farm via Kensington/Windsor Terrace Community Supported Agriculture (KWT CSA):
We'll walk the fields, visit the chickens to collect eggs, and taste-test the growing veggies as we go! There are lambs, chickens, bunnies, and turkeys to visit, as well as our 50 acres of fast growing baby veggies. Our livestock guard dogs are back to work, the honeybees active, the songbirds going crazy, and the pastures springing back to life.
Picnic lunch (organic hot dog and veggie burger, our own spring greens salad, Long Island Potato chips and natural soda or juice) will be available for $10, bring a bag lunch if you prefer; we'll also have sandwiches, snacks and sodas for sale at our Organic Farm Market. Bring lots of water, sun protection and clothes you can get dirty.
Please RSVP to info [at] gardenofevefarm.com or call 631-722-8777.
Updated information about the Kensington/Windsor Terrace CSA can be found at http://kwtcsa.blogspot.com.