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Thursday, August 4, 2011


Prospect Farm Community Meeting
Tuesday, August 16th, 6:30 p.m.

Prospect Farm is going to hold a community meeting
to talk about how to more effectively coordinate projects and to set priorities for the next phase of development. The meeting is for members, volunteers, and everyone who is interested in getting more engaged with the farm.

The meeting will be held at Brooklyn Commune (601 Greenwood Avenue, at the corner of Prospect Avenue), unless more people plan to participate than the restaurant can accommodate.

Confirm your attendance as soon as possible by sending an e-mail to Tom Angotti at  tangotti [at] nyc.rr.com.

Tom will put together an agenda covering the immediate issues of greatest concern as well as the longer-term questions. He welcomes your thoughts and suggestions for agenda items.

And if you aren't able to attend, send Tom an e-mail with your input before the meeting.

Prospect Farm