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Thursday, August 4, 2011


Psychiatric evaluation has determined that Leiby Kletzky's alleged killer is mentally competent to stand trial, the Brooklyn district attorney’s office announced today. The alleged killer pleaded not guilty in Brooklyn Supreme Court. Being found mentally competent to stand trial means that he
"understands the nature and charges against him, that is he able to understand he's being criminally prosecuted, he knows what those charges are, and is able to participate in his own defense. It is not a rendering on sanity or insanity, it is only on competency," said Defense Attorney Jennifer McCann.
Brooklyn District Attorney Charles Hynes said "there are absolutely no circumstances which would lead me to accept a plea bargain." [International Business Times]
The next court appearance will be on October 14th.

Also today, Congressperson Jerrold presented Borough Park Shomrim with a Certificate of Special Congressional Recognition for its role in organizing the search to find Leiby before it was discovered that he had been killed.