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Friday, July 8, 2011


Be careful when you Zumba, experts tell exercisers. 
"I’ve seen people rent halls and conduct classes for a hundred people," said Wilhyn Larsen, owner of Namaste Yoga of Kensington in Brooklyn, which began offering Zumba classes two years ago. "That’s a real safety issue. If the instructor can’t see you and can’t see how each person is doing the moves, you’re going to have an injury."
Ms. Larsen recommends an optimal class size of no more than 25 participants with two instructors, one teaching and one walking around the room offering individualized help. At her studio, because of the space and manpower available, she allows only 15 to 18 people per Zumba class.
Read about Namaste's Zumba instructors, Carlos ("Let's have some fun and at the same time get into shape....") and Joelle ("have the time of your life while being inspired mentally, building your confidence, and getting a kick-butt workout.")

Namaste Yoga of Kensington
482 Coney Island Avenue, 2nd Floor
Enter on Church Avenue, using the red stairs to the red door
Info [at] mynamasteyoga.com
(347)533-6226 or (347)533-6227