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Sunday, July 10, 2011


Mark Simpson sent "Prospect Park Drive Use Improvement"--the petition to make Prospect Park Drive more accident-free--to the Prospect Park Alliance, and the Alliance has contacted him about this significant safety problem. They told him that they're aware of the many accidents that have taken place on Park Drive and that they're taking action. They've formed a Road Sharing Task Force and will be meeting to discuss the actions they can take to protect the safety of pedestrians, walkers, runners, in-line skaters, and cyclists.

The Alliance will also be announcing a public meeting--in the near future, hopefully, before more people are injured. They promised Mr. Simpson that they'd consider the suggestions made in the petition when they meet. Mr. Simpson compiled the suggestions from a lengthy discussion on the KWT Neighbors listserv.

New York City Councilmember Brad Lander will be involved in the discussions as the representative for the public's interests.

Mr. Simpson will leave the petition posted so that more people will have a chance to sign it prior to the public meeting.