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Wednesday, July 20, 2011


The family of little Leiby Kletzky has established The Leiby Kletzky Memorial Fund to carry out the acts of charity and kindness that Leiby would have, had his life not been extinguished.

The Memorial Fund's slogan is "Coping with Grief by Doing Good." Contributions will be used to
  • Help young orphans cope with tragedy
  • Help indigent families feed their children
  • Help needy children falling behind in school
  • Help poor parents clothe their children in dignity
  • Help financially strapped couples to marry
  • Help families going through a critical time in their lives

From The Yeshiva World:
Upon rising from Shiva this morning, Reb Nachman Kletzky very poignantly declared. “Had my dear son Leiby lived he would have contributed so much good to the world. He was such a sensitive and kind soul. Now that his beautiful life was cut so short we should not allow the world to miss out. Our family wishes to establish the LEIBY KLETZKY MEMORIAL FUND to perpetuate the memory of our dear Leiby and to keep him alive in our hearts and minds. This fund would help anguished families in crisis and need, something that Leiby would have wanted to do had he been given more years of life. By making this fund a successful one we can turn the anguished cries of “Leiby, Where are you?” into the sacred reply of “I am here, helping my fellow Jews”.
The Leiby Kletzky Memorial Fund is the only effort specifically established and authorized by the Kletzky family. It will be administered by the Kletzky family and their rabbi, Rabbi Binyomin Eisenberger.

Donations in any amount are welcome. Contributions should be sent to
Nachman and Esty Kletzky
c/o Rabbi Binyomin Eisenberger
1448 56th Street
Brooklyn, NY 11219

Contributions can also be made online
on the website of The Leiby Kletzky Memorial Fund.