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Sunday, July 10, 2011


The vegetables at yesterday's Kensington Youthmarket were huge!

    Bowling ball-sized cabbages!             Enormous romaine lettuces!

    Gigantic bunches of parsley!                   Loooooong scallions!

The morning shoppers got their pick of the full range of fresh vegetables.

                         The later risers--not so much.

Lesson learned: get there earlier from now on, even though the staff is going to increase the size of their orders.

Five of the Youthmarket staffers             The sixth staffer

Kensington Youthmarket
Saturdays through October 29th, 9:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m.
Fort Hamilton Parkway at E. 5th Street, alongside the library

At prices that are fair to the consumer.