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Tuesday, June 7, 2011


Prospect Farm and Sustainable Flatbush
Brooklyn Dirt: Monthly Talks on Urban Farming and Gardening

Dirt Talk Five: Permaculture
Wednesday, June 15th, 7:00 p.m. to 9:30 p.m.

With Speakers Dan Miner and Olga Kuchukov

Downstairs @ Sycamore Bar and Flowershop

1118 Cortelyou Road, between E. 11th Street and Argyle Road 
(Q train to Cortelyou)

$5 suggested donation
(proceeds benefit Sustainable Flatbush and Prospect Farm)

must be age 21 or over

The speakers

Dan Miner

has been involved with a variety of urban sustainability projects as a volunteer organizer with Post Carbon Institute and the Peak Oil NYC Meetup and as past Chair of Sierra Club NYC. He wrote a 2008 report about how NYC can expand support for its climate change initiatives by preparing for higher and more volatile energy prices and recently promoted the City’s white roof painting project in western Queens, referring 15 buildings to the program.

At his day job, he assists Queens businesses as SVP of Long Island City Partnership. Dan completed a Permaculture Design Certificate program at Hancock Permaculture Center. He will discuss how the Transition movement’s organizing model and permaculture can be applied to NYC and next steps in urban agriculture.

Olga Kuchukov
has lived 34 plus years in NYC wondering why things are the way they are and how can they be better. As a massage therapist and solo sustainability warrior, she understands that change will come with a deep integration of thoughtful intention and habit, along with a healthy dose of practical new skills.

After tuning in to the reality of our oil-dependent life, she traveled to Australia to help her friends who are building a transition town situation on their 6-acre property an hour north of Melbourne. She also visited the 2.5 acre food forest home of the co-originator of permaculture, David Holgrem. She will present her impressions along with viewings from the instructional DVD, Establishing a Food Forest with Geoff Lawton.

Sustainable Flatbush brings neighbors together to mobilize, educate, and advocate for sustainable living in their Brooklyn neighborhood and beyond.

Prospect Farm is a community group in Windsor Terrace, Brooklyn, that is working together to grow food in a formerly vacant lot, with the mission toward creating a Community Supported Agriculture (CSA) Farm that can feed and serve our community.