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Tuesday, June 14, 2011


A message from Compost for Brooklyn:
Dear Composters,

Compost for Brooklyn has an important favor to ask of you. Lately, we have noticed an increase in drop-offs outside of open hours. As no one is present to open the gate and put organic waste in the bins, bags are left hanging on the fence or on the sidewalk. This causes several problems. It attracts rodents, produces unpleasant odors, and is unsightly. Most importantly, these food scraps are very messy and unsanitary for our volunteers to clean up. Therefore, moving forward, Compost for Brooklyn will only accept compost that is dropped off during open hours. All other drop-offs will be put in the garbage.

We greatly appreciate your kind consideration of this new policy. We completely understand what it is like to have a freezer full of food scraps, and we are working hard to improve our services. We welcome any comments or suggestions that you might have at compostforbrooklyn [at] gmail.com.

Finally, if you would like to help Compost for Brooklyn expand our drop-off service, please consider volunteering to host open hours.

Thank you for your incredible support and, of course, your compost!

Best Wishes,


Louise Bruce
Board Member
Compost for Brooklyn