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Wednesday, June 15, 2011


Albemarle Neighborhood Association Meeting
Thursday, June 23rd, 7:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m.

At its next meeting, the Albemarle Neighborhood Association (ANA) will host New York City Councilmember Brad Lander, who represents the 39th Council District. Mr. Lander will talk about the final negotiations for the upcoming fiscal year's budget, his legislative priorities, and updates on initiatives in Kensington. His talk will be followed by a question-and-answer period.

Mr. Lander serves on these City Council committees: Economic Development; Environmental Protection; General Welfare; Housing & Buildings; Land Use (Landmarks, Public Siting & Maritime Uses, Chair); and Waterfronts. 

ANA's June meeting will take place outdoors on Albemarle Road, between E. 4th and E. 5th streets, but if it's raining or if there's a threat of rain, call (718)-TENANTS to find out if the meeting will be moved indoors.

If it's held indoors, it'll be in the usual location: Flatbush & Shaare Torah Jewish Center, 327 E. 5th Street, at the corner of Church Avenue. Use the wheelchair-accessible entrance on the ground floor to enter the building.

ANA meetings are always free and are always open to everyone, including non-members.

Foodtown and ANA will provide refreshments.