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Thursday, May 12, 2011


Community Board 12's website is live and working! The calendar is up-to-date with meetings and events. Listed so far are tonight's Transportation Committee meeting, a Variance Committee meeting on Monday, May 23rd, and the Board meeting on Tuesday, May 24th.

Board meeting Minutes are published under the Committee tab under "General Board." Minutes from this year's January, February, March, and April meetings can be downloaded as MS Word documents.

The search function is also working.

Community Board 12 promises to populate the website on a regular basis.

Please attend the Community Board 12 meeting when it's held in Kensington on Tuesday, May 24th, from 7:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m., at P.S. 230 (1 Albemarle Road, between McDonald Avenue and Dahill Road). The first portion of the meeting is set aside for the Board to listen to comments from the public. You're invited to express your concerns about the neighborhood at that time.