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Wednesday, April 6, 2011


From Friends of Greenwood Playground:
The second annual Greenwood Playground Spring Flea Market is coming soon, on May 7th, 9 am - 5 pm. 

This year we can host food vendors at the event. Are you a start-up baking business? Do you want to sell food to raise money for your school? Do you make awesome cupcakes and want to share them with the neighborhood? Everyone is welcome to sign up for a food vendor spot!

The spaces are $100 for established businesses who have a permanent location (i.e., restaurants) and $30 for those who want to sell homemade food items. Chairs and tables can be reserved for an extra fee. Each food vendor is responsible for acquiring their own FREE certificate of registration from the Dept of Health and Mental Hygiene, but we have instructions that we can pass along to help the process. 

The deadline to reserve a space is April 25th and the deadline for getting a certificate of registration is April 29th. 

Sign up today to guarantee your spot! You can find out more by replying to me, or by emailing greenwoodfriendsfunds [at] gmail.com.

on behalf of the Friends of Greenwood Playground
(Reprinted with Stacy's permission.)