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Monday, April 4, 2011


Normally, minutes of Community Board meetings are prepared and distributed prior to the next month's meeting. But at the March meeting, Board Chairperson Alan Dubrow reported that the February minutes wouldn't be read because there were problems reconstructing them. This was most likely because of the amount and the volume of the yelling that went on through most of the meeting.

5901 – 13TH AVENUE, BROOKLYN, N.Y. @ 7PM

SANDY ABOULAFIA                              TAMAR ABRAHAM
YAKOV ABRAMOV                                 TAHIR BHUTTA
ANNA CALI                                              LAN CHEN
FRED CASSERA                                    SAMUEL MENDY ISRAEL
JACOB DASKAL                                     DOUGLAS JABLON
ALAN J. DUBROW                                  LARRY JAYSON
JOEL EISDORFER                                 ANDREW KOHEN
RABBI TZVI ENGLARD                           RAYMOND LEE
ROBERTA FEINSTEIN                           JOHN MORONI
JULES FLEISCHER                                AMY SICGNANO
RABBI BERNARD FREILICH                                   
JOSEPH JACOBS                          MARTY MARKOWITZ
MARTIN KATZ                           MARC KRONENBERG, REP.          
                                                          ASSEMBLYMAN HIKIND
MORDECHAI KATZ                  
                                                          COUNCILMAN BRAD LANDER
LILY MARINELLI                        
ELI OIRING                                  ELI SLAVIN, CONGRESSWOMEN
DR. JOAN PASTORE                     YVETTE CLARKE
MORTY PUPKO                          JOEL EISDORFER, REP. SEN. E.

MENDEL REINER                          BILL deBLASIO



SAMUEL STOBER                                         
MARGARET TOBIN                            P.O. RIOMAO, 66TH PCT
SOL WAHBA                                       P.O. WRIGHT, 66TH PCT
JOSHUA WEINSTEIN                                   
MOSHE WIEDER                                COMMUNITY PRESENT
ROCHELLE ZAMIE                             APPROX.  93 RESIDENTS PRESENT

The Principal of the Yeshiva School on 1655 56th Street said many children attending this school come from Midwood and Moshe’s Supermarket has been an incredible source of support for the school, families, teachers and community.   They have given tremendous discounts to our families and staff. They were notified when parents lost their jobs or when parents were unable to support their families.   They give out free food, vouchers to families that can’t afford to buy any food.  They give One Hundred Dollar vouchers at much cheaper prices.  They take a loss in their store in e order to help our community.  He asked the Board to seriously consider all the good work they have done and to support this endeavor.

Alan Dubrow said with all due respect, he does not know what support he is talking about.  There was nothing on the agenda regarding Moshe’s grocery store.   Moshe’s can build as of right, no variance needed.  There’s nothing before the board this evening with respect to Moshe’s grocery store. 

Joseph Oliva said that he was very upset when he found out that Wolf Sender testified at the Economic Industrial Board in support of the expansion of Moshe’s Supermarket.  Mr. Oliva continued saying that Mr. Sender lied to the City and all the members of this Community Board and misrepresented himself when he testified on behalf of Moshe’s expansion.  The Board members never spoke about this expansion and never voted on it as well. Mr. Oliva spoke about issues that occurred several years ago with the Community Board whereby a member of Community Board 12 testified at two separate hearings at the Board of Standards and Appeals in support of a variance and misrepresented himself by speaking as a member of Community Board 12.  That member was Martin Katz.  By Mr. Katz using the word “we”, it implied that he spoke on behalf of the entire Board.  This was a conflict of interest on his part.  Mr. Oliva went on to say that Mr. Katz should have remained neutral and not taken sides.  Mr. Oliva said that both Mr. Katz and Wolf Sender have acted in an unacceptable manner. Their job is to help the entire Community Board; if they cannot do this, they should resign or retire. Mr. Oliva continued saying that these are two examples where Community Board members have spoken on behalf of the entire Board.  Mr. Oliva said he wondered how many other issues have been directed in this manner.  Perhaps this is a concern that should be reviewed and investigated.

Abu Khaliquzzaman said the electricity is out in his area and Con Edison is busy working to repair it and get service back on.  He thanked Lucille from Community Board 12 for all her help. He thanked Marty Markowitz for his support on February 21st, for Bengali Language Day, whereby the Boro President gave out several citations and it was very successful.  There was a fire at 90 Church Avenue at Hotel Zafean Restaurant.  He thanked Inspector Sprague and Det. Mike Milici from the 66th Precinct along with the Fire Department who participated in the rescue operation.  He stated he helped as well.  He also thanked District Manager Wolf Sender and Chairman Alan Dubrow for all the good work they do for this community.

Dr. Joan Pastore, who is Director of the Amico Senior Center, where we generally hold our meetings, thanked everyone who signed the petitions against the Governor’s budget cuts to NYC Senior Centers. The proposal is to cut 25.2 million dollars for Senior Centers. That would close about 300 Centers citywide and would include this Center.   Dr. Pastore asked everyone if they had not signed a petition yet, it would be appreciated if they send out a letter to Assemblyman Silver along with other local and State elected officials stating their opposition to these cuts.  She thanked everyone is advance for signing the petitions.

Natalie DeNicola stated that some expansions are usually beneficial to a neighborhood.  She said that she knows the expansion of Moshe’s (inaudible) should be done with Moshe’s own funding, not with 2 million dollars of City monies.  Mrs. DeNicola said the Mayor says the City is cash stressed and is talking about teacher layoffs and closing several Fire Houses putting many people at risk. Mrs. DeNicola continued saying that it is not true that the Midwood area is low income and under served by produce markets.  Mrs. DeNicola said that Board member Sandy Aboulafia has said in the Daily News that Moshe’s is a gold mine.  Mrs. DeNicola said that if the owners of Moshe’s have the funds to purchase four adjoining homes then what is their motive for asking the City for 2 million dollars?  That money should be given to certain areas that are in greater need.

Mrs. DeNicola went on to say she has been attending Community Board 12 meetings for the last five years.  The first time she attended, she came with about 50 neighbors because of a variance request being presented to the Board about an oversized lot on 60th Street and 21st Avenue.  Mrs. DeNicola said that when they all arrived, she could see that the Board had an attitude with them.  There was a remark made that night which infuriated her.  That remark was “This is Borough Park and we do what we want”!  Mrs. DeNicola said that remark was made by Mr. Martin Katz.  She went on to say that she felt that remark echoed the sentiments of the entire Board.  She said that she and others from the neighborhood are all part of this community and that type of attitude is not acceptable.

Mrs. DeNicola said she and Mr. Sender have had their disagreements for the past five years and she has always felt that when she and her neighbors have come to the Board with problems, Mr. Sender has chosen to ignore them.  She went on to recall an incident with a TV reporter who came to confront Mr. Sender about the asbestos problem with the 60th Street project. Mr. Sender said he knew nothing about it.  What exactly did he know and not know?  Ms. DeNicola went on to say that the owners of the property were Mr. Sender’s friends.  Mrs. DeNicola stated that Mr. Sender is employed by the City and he lied in front of the Industrial Economic Board when he testified that all of Community Board 12 supported Moshe’s project. 

Mrs. DeNicola said that Mr. Sender should be held accountable for his actions and stripped of his title as District Manager.  “Mr. Sender”, stated Mrs. DeNicola, “this may be Borough Park, but you don’t do what you want”!

(Name inaudible) stated that he echoed part of the statement that Mrs. DeNicola said.  He said he does not think the City, at this point, should be supporting a private institution. He said he pays property taxes as a resident of Community Board 12; he pays income tax to the City of New York because he is a City resident and he doesn’t want his money spent on another produce market. Let Moshe’s compete with all the other businesses.

Joseph Nathan voiced his support for Moshe’s. He said the City gives tax breaks to Madison Square Garden because they don’t want to see the Knicks and Rangers leave.  No one is hanging out banners to stop the City from giving those breaks. If you want to stop tax breaks, get rid of your local politicians and elect new ones.  If some are so worried about tax money being spent, they should question why the City is tearing up the yard in FDR High School in order to build a new football field for the kids to practice.  For the past 37 years, the kids have been practicing in the Park on 18th Avenue and 56th Street.  Mr. Nathan went on to say that the City should be more concerned with not laying off teachers rather than building a football field.

Jole Carlinger said that Marty Markowitz and Brad Lander are sponsoring a listening session for Dome Playground.  The listening session will be split into small groups so that everyone can have input on what they would like to see happen in Dome Park.  This will occur on Thursday evening, March 24th at PS179, 202 Avenue C corner of East 3rd Street from 6-8pm.   Also, Ms. Carliner once again asked about rotating the Community Board meeting locations so that it would, at times, be in Kensington or some central location between Midwood, Kensington and Borough Park.  This way each community will have a chance for the meeting to be held in their area.

Adam Szczpansk from City Wide Disaster Services, Emergency Two way radio gave a brief outline of the type of services this company supplies.  Some Board members felt that this was commercializing and wanted him to stop. Mr. Dubrow said he had a right to speak and asked him to continue. Mr. Szczpansk thanked the Board for allowing him to speak and said if anyone was interested in the services he outlined he would be glad to meet with them after the meeting.

Mr. Dembitzer stated that he has been shopping at Moshe’s for over a year and said that the store is crowded many times and the traffic is intolerable but with this expansion they are doing something to help the community.  In the name of progress said Mr. Dembitzer, he implored all to support this endeavor.

Zvi Gluck asked all to sign the petitions to not cut funding to Senior Citizen Centers.  Mr. Gluck went on to say that he knows the Binik family well and they are always helping organizations as well as families that can’t afford to buy food. They give out food vouchers, etc. to help the poor.

Chesky Samet spoke about what tax abatements are and how they help the City.  He also said those that do not actually know how tax abatements work, should read up on it.

Anna Cali responded to Mr, Samet by saying that some should get their facts straight and understand the entire process.  What the members do not understand is that everyone has brought up Moshe’s Supermarket and no one has brought up the fact that Moshe’s’ was never brought up to the Community Board’s attention.  If that had happened, maybe the Board could have had a civilized discussion about it. Wolf Sender, the District Manager went on his own and testified on behalf of all the Board and said that the board supported the project. Discussion followed (Discussion was inaudible due to excessive shouting by the audience).

Ms. Cali said that Wolf Sender testified on behalf of the entire Board so therefore, why is everyone even here tonight. It is a waste of time. She also said some people should do their research before they speak.
Discussion followed but was inaudible due to excessive shouting.

Mendel Zilberberg spoke stating that he is a member of Community Board 12 and agrees with Ms. Cali to the extent that this was not brought up before the Board.  However, he felt that a number of issues were being inflated.  If and to an extent that Wolf Sender said that the Board in any way indicated that they were in favor of this and it was not, then Wolf Sender did something that was not correct and the Board itself should deal with this in a private session.  He went on to say that the Board will look into the matter and try to ascertain the facts and try to see what are the appropriate responses and remedies.

Mr. Zilberberg went on to say that under normal circumstances. Moshes’ Supermarket is not something that ordinarily would come before the Board.  When someone does a renovation that is as of right and does not require a zoning change, it does not come before the Board.  Moshe’s Supermarket is as of right and therefore would not need the Boards approval.  Therefore, this type of tax abatement does not need a recommendation from the Board.  Mr. Zilberberg went on saying that tax abatements are given across the board to many industries.  He went on to give a short synopsis of the role of the Industrial Development Assoc. concerning tax abatements, analysis on their part, etc.

Mr Zilberberg, once again reiterated the fact that if Wolf Sender testified about this, the Board will deal with this in due course.  Mr. Zilberberg stated that as a Community Board and as a concerned constituency, everyone must move beyond the attitude of US AND THEM.

Mendy Reiner stated that as a Board member he feels that everything needs to be discussed by the full Board not through the back door.  The leader of the Board cannot make a statement representing the Board to other agencies without communication to the Board.  Mr. Reiner said he was not addressing the issue of Moshe’s but said that those representing the Board need to represent the Board with what is said.

Anna Cali said that Wolf Sender is not a Board member.  He is the District Manager and should not have gone to testify.

Several others testified on behalf of Moshe’s and told about the generosity of the Binik family to the community and the extension of the Supermarket which will add jobs to the neighborhood was well as curtail many traffic problems.

Bethsheba Mandel reported that she represents the residents that live on the block of Moshe’s Supermarket.  She said Mr. Binik is a very nice man.  However, there is constantly someone blocking her driveway as well as carts inside her driveway day after day. The noise at night is loud.  Private garbage trucks pick up around 11:30 PM.  As far as she knows, a traffic survey was never done.  She can barely get off the block with one light because of the all the double parked cars, etc.  She also stated there are many other fruit and vegetable markets nearby.  The block is now considered a poor block and the value of homes have gone way down.

Margaret Tobin said that if in fact this 2 million tax abatement is given to Moshe’s, what happens to the other surrounding small grocers. Because of loud yelling from the audience the rest of Ms. Tobin’s statement was inaudible.

Mr. Dubrow told Ms. Tobin that Moshe’s is not on the Agenda and the Board is not voting on it.

Peter Russo spoke about the Sanitation Dept. cleaning the streets – they are so dirty and the Police Dept. did not go around enough to tell the owners of SUV’s to please take the snow off their vehicles. Mr. Russo went on to say that the streets in Brooklyn are dirty as hell and it’s very annoying to drive down the City streets and see no snow removal and in honor of our Chairman, we honored the Police Dept. and the Sanitation Dept .and it seems nothing got done.  Mr. Russo also said that when it is a holiday, please do not put your garbage out ahead of time.  He said people on his block call him Peter Broom as he is always sweeping.

Barry Binik presented to the Board a number of petitions and also handed out an informational sheet which he hoped would address some of the questions the Board might have.

Public hearing closed.


There was one correction. The Minutes stated that Jacob Daskal spoke against the 8th Avenue rezoning.  Mr. Daskal said he spoke in favor of it.  Correction duly noted. There being no other omissions, corrections or deletions, the Minutes were accepted as rendered.

Mr. Dubrow welcomed all to the meeting and recognized those representing the many elected officials that serve our District.  He also introduced Igor Oberman, the new liaison from the Brooklyn

Igor Oberman said he picked a nice quiet night to introduce himself to the Community Board. He sees that there are a lot of people who care about the community.  One way residents can contribute to help the community is applying to the Community Board.  Applications are due by March 25, 2011.  The Borough President encourages anyone who wishes to be on the Board to apply, and the people that are already on the board need to reapply and the Borough President thanks you for your service. Whoever is sending applications in, please remember the third page needs to be notarized and must be an original copy.  Mr. Oberman thanked the board for the opportunity to speak.

Mr. Dubrow read an apology letter from District Manager Wolf Sender, who unfortunately could not be at the meeting - which read in part that Mr. Sender apologizes that his testimony to the IDA was misconstrued as speaking for the Board; the truth is that he spoke as an individual for the community.

Chaim Israel said he wanted to commend and pay tribute to the Binik family for their philanthropic activities and their support for numerous charities and societies across our district for the last 4 decades.  Mr. Israel named several charities that they have supported.

He stated that the Binik family owns and operates two Kosher Discount Supermarkets in our District, one being on Avenue M.  This Supermarket is a popular shopping spot for large and growing families seeking good value during these difficult economic times. 

A few weeks ago Moshe’s announced an 8 million dollar expansion project which would increase shopping floor space and checkout counters; increase showcase and shelving space enabling a greater variety of fresh produce.  It would also include customer parking on the roof which would free up much needed curbside parking and loading docks on the roof which would eliminate the double parked trucks delivering goods.

The expansion would also double the current 8,000 square feet storage in the basement to 16,000 square feet.

This expansion project would bring additional jobs to the neighborhood and tax revenue to the City. The NYC EDC through the IDA has incentivized this project under the Fresh Program with a 1.9 million tax credit, spread over 22 years which they project new streams of revenue to NYC  over the same period of time as 3.6 million.

This is a win-win situation for the store operators, the shoppers, the NYC taxpayers and the neighbors who deserve the reduced traffic and noise on their street.

Mr. Israel thanked District Manager Wolf Sender for having the proper frame of reference and good sense to attend the IDA hearing in support of this vital endeavor.  While this project does not require our vote of approval, it is appropriate to show our support for the expansion project and the Binik family for putting their funds at risk to implement this expansion project.

Mr. Israel made a Motion for a voice vote in support of the Moshe’s Supermarket expansion project.

Anna Cali said she understands Wolf Sender’s apology, but she has the minutes in her hand and he specifically spoke on behalf of Community Board 12.  Ms. Cali said an apology is not good enough. The rest of the discussion was inaudible due to excessive shouting from some.

Ms. Cali said the apology is based on a lie. He specifically said that all the Board members supported it.  This is very important said Ms. Cali; we are on the Community Board and we represent the whole community.  You do not go to a hearing and take the one side of a community and vote on behalf of 54 people.  Ms. Cali said she does not feel comfortable with someone going to a hearing and speaking on her behalf on an issue that is this important.

Ms. Cali continued saying that it is very good that Moshe’s is a win-win situation for everyone but people were forced to sell their homes because they made their lives miserable.  No one has enough information to make a decision tonight.   

Mendel Zilberberg stated that with all due respect you cannot have it both ways.  When people speak against it, they say it’s not on the agenda but when people are for it, they say let’s take a motion to vote.

Discussion followed but was inaudible due to yelling, with everyone talking at once.

Mr. Dubrow asked for decorum and courtesy by all.

Margaret Tobin said she would like to make a motion in the name of transparency on anything that Wolf Sender has signed off on behalf of the Community Board and that be available for the Board members to see.

Mr. Dubrow said this issue is not addressing the Motion on the floor.

Jacob Haas, P.E. said that as a member of this Board, he has   been involved in the community on the grass roots level, as a person who worked with very poor families, and the sick and needy in this community; and as a person who cares deeply about everyone in this community from every walk of life.   He went on to say there were a lot of harsh words thrown around here this evening in particular about a person that he has always pulled for support and we are talking about material support for many years for no gain, no fame, no reason what so ever for the sake of people and his name is Wolf Sender.   Mr. Haas thanked Anna Cali for providing him the transcript of the minutes that was being referred to our great hero Wolf Sender.  .

Mr. Haas asked his colleague Anna Cali to come up and read the transcript of minutes she had been talking about. Under no point did he see that Wolf Sender spoke in the name of the whole Community Board.

Ms. Cali read the transcript as follows:  “Good morning my name is Wolf Sender I am the District Manager Community Board 12 where the Supermarket is located in the district.  I heard the previous speaker – just to clear up one issue – all the construction which is being done is being done without variances, without any special changes everything is being done as of right. So, the construction which I assume I believe they have all the permits for the construction.  The construction will be done.  The FRESH program will help them in the construction.  As I understand the Buildings Dept.  worked on the idea of the construction will help alleviate the problems the gentleman spoke about - will give them parking, will give them a loading area which they do not have now and it will save a lot of these issues of a forklift actually travelling back and forth to the other streets will alleviate not needing garages on the other blocks.  So we have never in 8 years that I’ve been District Manager in Community Board 12 we have never received complaints of the community whether the criteria for fresh foods.  It is not my issue is that you guys know whether it is a poverty area what fresh foods will qualify and the extension will only help the community, will help the district.  The store has been known for years and years and years to give away food for poor families without charging them and they have lists and lists of families that they have actually given away food for free.  So for the Community , for the community, as far as we believe this will only help this community more and it is going to help alleviate traffic, alleviate parking so we are supporting the project the whole way.”

Ms. Cali said that was him (meaning Wolf Sender) saying that the Community Board supported this expansion.  Why did he have to represent himself as the District Manager if he spoke on a personal level?

Once again there was an angry discussion which was inaudible due to shouting and yelling.

Mr. Dubrow told Ms. Cali she had made her point.

Mr. Haas thanked Ms. Cali for reading the transcript and said that he never heard that Wolf Sender spoke in the name of the Community Board.

Jacque Friedman said there were two issues here.  First issue was did Wolf speak in the name of the Community Board or did he say what his title is at the Board.  It’s up to the Board at this time to decide and come back with a resolution at the next board meeting to let a vote be taken. 

The second issue said Mr. Friedman is the separate issue raised by Mr. Israel which has nothing to do with either the punishment or approval; it is an issue which states that we feel that this store has something good and worthwhile and has proven and shown that the City has said they have something worthwhile and we will gain from it.  Mr. Friedman moved that we take a vote on that particular issue and that we have a separate Committee appointed by the Chairman to see whether there is punishment due to Wolf Sender.

Abu Khaliquzzaman spoke in favor of Moshe’s expansion saying that it will bring more jobs to the neighborhood and said he does not believe that  that Wolf Sender said that and he is 100% sure that Mr. Sender is working to help all of our community.

Mr. Dubrow said there is a Motion on the floor asking Mr. Israel to repeat the Motion once more.


Although Jacob Haas seconded the first Motion made by Chaim Israel, the Motion repeated once again by Chaim Israel was seconded by Abu Khaliquzzaman.

An angry discussion followed.

Margaret Tobin made a Motion to Table.  Motion was seconded.


VOTE TAKENIN FAVOR: 10 (Aboulafia, Cali, Cassera, Jacobs, Marinelli, Pastore, Reiner, Tobin, Zamie, Zilberberg)                                          
                           OPPOSED: 27 (Abramov, Daskal, Rabbi Englard, Feinstein, Rabbi Freilich, Friedman, Fuchs, Rabbi Gluck, Haas, Handler, Israel, Martin Katz, Mordechai Katz, Khaliquzzaman, Oiring, Pupko, Rebenwurzel, Rosman, Schwartz, Senderovic, Shlomovich, Silber, Stober, Sussman, Wahba, Weinstein, Wieder
                           ABSTENTIONS:  0

Mr. Dubrow offered congratulations to Pearl Eichenstein on the birth of her baby boy.

Mr. Dubrow introduced Mark Kronenberg representing Assemblyman Dov Hikind.  Mr. Kronenberg said he would like to read a statement from the Assemblyman.   The statement read as follows:  “For the past 20 years, I have not only lived down the block from Moshe’s Discount Supermarket, I have also been a regular customer.  Hundreds of families in the neighborhood and beyond have come to depend on Moshe’s for its quality products and low prices.  Countless people have also benefitted from the generosity of Mr Binik, in the form of over half-a-million dollars in free groceries per year to needy families.   Numerous other charitable programs have been sustained through his philanthropic works as well.   It is beyond my comprehension why this expansion has generated any opposition at all.  Moshe’s legitimately applied for the NYCIDA incentive grant and was found to have met the necessary criteria for eligibility.   Other supermarkets are equally welcome to make an application for an IDA grant.  I cannot imagine what anyone’s agenda could be in attempting to cloud what will be so beneficial to residents and consumers.  I am thrilled that Moshe’s Discount was deemed eligible for the IDA incentive grant.  Everyone benefits from the expansion of this supermarket.  We cannot allow ourselves to get away from the larger issue of improving the quality of life for ourselves and our neighbors.  I unequivocally support the expansion of Moshe’s Discount Supermarket.”

Alan Dubrow said we will now vote on the Motion before the Board made before by Chaim Israel.  Mr. Dubrow repeated the Motion.


VOTE TAKENIN FAVOR;  29  ( Daskal, Rabbi Englard, Feinstein, Rabbi Freilich, Friedman, Fuchs, Rabbi Gluck, Haas, Handler, Israel, Martin Katz, Mordechai Katz, Khaliquzzaman, Oiring, Pupko, Rebenwurzel, Reiner, Rosman, Schwartz, Senderovic, Shlomovich, Silber, Stober, Sussman, Wahba, Weinstein, Wieder, Zamie, Zilberberg)
                          OPPOSED:  0
                          ABSTENTIONS:  6  (Aboulafia, Cali, Cassera, Jacobs, Marinelli, Tobin)


Peter Rebenwurzel said he has served on the Community Board for 23 or 24 years and have served as Chairman of the Zoning and Variance Committee for the past 16 years and there are other people on this Board  who have also served many years as well.  Board members do not get paid.  Board members do this as a service for our community.  Mr. Rebenwurzel continued saying that he read in the Daily News an interview with Natalie DeNicola and one of the comments made by Natalie DeNicola was “we intend to storm the Community Board; the corruption just has to stop at this Community Board.” Mr. Rebenwurzel said he was appalled and she should be ashamed of herself for saying the Board is corrupt.  He said the Board is not corrupt.  Cross conversation occurred which was inaudible.  At times, said Mr. Rebenwurzel, some people may not like the vote on certain issues but we do it for our community, all of the community – all 50 of us.  Many people have served many years on this Board with no compensation – only to help community. 

Many other Board members echoed Mr. Rebenwurzel’s feelings including Abu Khaliquzzaman stating that the Board, Mr. Alan Dubrow and Wolf Sender are all honorable people.

Anna Cali said with all due respect, she knows many have been on the Board 20 odd years.  She said some of us have been on the Board for one year.  It’s about time some of the people from the different part of the community are on the Board representing the other part of the community.   Maybe it is time that some of the people who have been on the Board a little too long and are getting a little too comfortable, are not questioning unacceptable practices. Ms. Cali said when you leave someone in position for too long they accept whatever happens.   What was done was wrong stated Ms. Cali.  She continued saying that she can’t believe that no one is thinking what Wolf Sender did at that hearing was wrong.    She said she is not the one that said the Board was corrupt. That was not quoted by Anna Cali in the papers!

Meeting adjourned.

                                                                                Respectfully submitted,

                                                                                KAROL JOSWICK