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Friday, April 29, 2011


The City Council passed a bill yesterday that allows community boards to request a reduction in street cleaning to one day per week--if a community keeps its streets clean for two consecutive years and gets a ninety percent cleanliness grade. One less day per week of street cleaning will mean one less day per week of alternate side parking.

To determine the cleanliness grade, the Mayor’s Office of Operations inspects streets and sidewalks in order to measure and report on cleanliness. It uses a program called Operation Scorecard, which quantifies cleanliness through a cleanliness acceptability rating. For the two consecutive fiscal years prior to a community board’s request to reduce street cleaning, t
he rating must be equal to or greater than an average score of ninety percent.

The new law doesn't apply to metered streets or to streets that are cleaned between midnight and 6:00 a.m.

Car owners might like to discuss the possibility of moving their cars one less time per week with Alan Dubrow, chairperson of Community Board 12, when he is the guest speaker at the next meeting of the Albemarle Neighborhood Association. The meeting will be on Thursday, May 26th, at 7:00 p.m., at Flatbush Jewish Center, 327 E. 5th Street, at the corner of Church Avenue.