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Monday, March 7, 2011


Garden Design
Wednesday, March 16th, 7:00 p.m. to 9:30 p.m.

Prospect Farm and Sustainable Flatbush will present the second talk in their series "Brooklyn Dirt: Monthly Talks on Urban Farming and Gardening" downstairs at Sycamore Bar + Flowershop, 1118 Cortelyou Road, between E. 11th Street and Argyle Road.

The speakers for this talk, "Garden Design," will be Tom Angotti with Jesse Alter (both from Hunter College) and Chris Kreussling (Flatbush Gardener).

The event is open to people ages 21 and up.

The suggested donation is $5. Proceeds will be used to benefit Sustainable Flatbush and Prospect Farm.

About Tom Angotti and Jesse Alter
Tom and Jesse led a group to Cuba this past January to study urban agriculture and organic farming. Tom is a professor in the Hunter College Department of Urban Affairs & Planning and a former Professor and Chair of the Graduate Center for Planning and the Environment at Pratt Institute. He got his Ph.D. in Urban Planning and Policy Development from Rutgers University. Tom helped start Prospect Farm. Jesse, a graduate student at Hunter, works at the Center for Cuban Studies in Manhattan.

About Chris Kreussling
Chris Kreussling, a garden coach with over thirty years of gardening experience, is also the Director of the Urban Gardens and Farms Initiative of Sustainable Flatbush and a community member of the Healthy Soils, Healthy Communities advisory board, a project of the Cornell Waste Management Institute.

About Sustainable Flatbush
Sustainable Flatbush brings neighbors together to mobilize, educate, and advocate for sustainable living in their Brooklyn neighborhood and beyond.

About Prospect Farm
Prospect Farm is a community group in Windsor Terrace that works together to grow food in a once-vacant lot. Its mission is to create a Community Supported Agriculture (CSA) Farm that can serve the community. Prospect Farm is the community leader for the Kensington/Windsor Terrace neighborhood group for the Brooklyn Food Coalition.