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Friday, March 25, 2011


Kensington residents won't be going to Borough Park to attend Community Board 12's May meeting because...the meeting is going to be in Kensington! The May 24th General Meeting will be held at P.S. 230 at 1 Albemarle Road. A big thank-you to the people who have been encouraging the board to hold its meetings in other neighborhoods besides Borough Park.

She didn't say "storm" or "corrupt," stated Midwood resident Natalie DeNicola, who was quoted in a Daily News article as saying that people were going to "storm" the February meeting and that the Community Board is "corrupt." She said that when the reporter asked her if people were going to storm the meeting, she replied "No."

minutes for the February meeting weren't read because they're in the process of "being reconstructed," Chairperson Alan Dubrow reported. Copies of the agenda for last night's meeting weren't available at the meeting either. 

"The elephant in the room" was how New York City Councilmember David Greenfield described the February meeting. He delivered a message that came out of his discussion about that meeting with Councilmember Brad Lander and Borough President Marty Markowitz: They expect civility from board members from here on in or they won't be reappointed. Board members must agree to disagree civilly.

Nominating Committee chairperson Josh Weinstein announced that the current officers had been unanimously renominated. A board member then nominated fellow board member Mendy Reiner to run for chairperson against incumbent Alan Dubrow. Mr. Dubrow has been the chairperson for the past fifteen years.

District Manager Wolf Sender said the board's website might be live in April and that it would have been done a month ago, but it was delayed by the Department of Technology. Hopefully, the redesigned website will include the type of information that residents have been asking for.