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Saturday, February 19, 2011


Community Board 7's Education Committee passed a resolution on Wednesday that supports the construction of a public school/intermediate school at 701 Caton Avenue.
Community Board 7
Education Committee resolution
Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Whereas there is demographic need for new elementary and middle school seats in School District 15; and

Whereas School Construction Authority and the Department of Education have published their intention to build a 750-seat, kindergarten to 8th grade, Elementary/Intermediate School at 701-711 Caton Avenue, Brooklyn and have the capital funding appropriated for the project; and

Whereas neighborhood residents are concerned about safety, traffic, and environmental hazards at the site selected by the School Construction Authority (SCA); and

Whereas the Stable Brooklyn Neighborhood Group worked very hard with Department of City Planning and others to create appropriate contextual zoning for the neighborhood; and

Whereas community groups and area nonprofits desire to participate in the planning of the new school; and

Whereas the community hopes the school will allow community use of the facility;

Therefore be it resolved that Community Board 7 supports the development of a 750-seat PS-IS at 701-711 Caton Avenue provided that SCA works with the community to address and resolve safety, traffic, and environmental issues on the site and around the property; that SCA works with the community to develop and build a state-of-the-art facility and outdoor space within the contextual zones of the properties, if possible; that the building achieve the highest energy efficiency and environmental standards.

And be it further resolved that community groups, neighborhood nonprofits and the community board participate in the SCA and DOE planning of the school.

And be it further resolved that the new school integrate with the neighborhood by allowing community use.

The public is invited to comment on the proposal by March 7th. Write to 
New York City School Construction Authority
30-30 Thomson Avenue
Long Island City, NY 11101

Attention: Ross J. Holden
Or e-mail Mr. Holden at Rholden [at] nycsca.org.

Specify that you're writing about the school proposed for 701 Caton Avenue, Brooklyn.

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