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Thursday, January 6, 2011


Statement from Councilmember Brad Lander on Sanitation District 12’s Snowstorm Response:
After last week’s terrible snowstorm, my office received hundreds of complaints about the deeply inadequate snow removal throughout my City Council district. The area covered by Sanitation District Brooklyn 12 (Kensington and Borough Park) made up the overwhelming majority of those complaints in the second half of the cleanup effort, despite the fact that District 12 makes up only about one-third of my Council district. It was clear as the storm cleanup went on that District 12 was underperforming relative to other districts, as many streets in Kensington and Borough Park were still unplowed by Friday, December 31.

The overwhelming system failure that occurred during this storm came from the top, and the mayor and sanitation commissioner need to be held accountable. But today we did learn about one action of accountability that happened locally, as the Sanitation Supervisor of District Brooklyn 12 has been sanctioned, and reassigned to a different district. Clearly at District 12 there was a leadership failure as compared to other districts in Brooklyn and the residents of Kensington and Borough Park have a right to expect more. It seems as though the Sanitation department has taken into account some of the local concerns, and is beginning to take steps toward improving District 12. 
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