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Monday, January 24, 2011


From Joanne Riel of Flying Teaspoons
Flying Teaspoons for Babies is Back at a New Day and Time!
February 2nd through 23rd
Wednesdays, 4:00 p.m. to 4:45 p.m.
The series runs for four weeks and is hosted in Windsor Terrace in the home of one of the families - near the E. 5th Street playground [Greenwood Playground]. The cost for the 4 weeks is $40 per child (sibling discount $5). Include an additional $10 for "The Flying Teapot" CD. If there is space, drop-ins are welcomed; drop-ins are $12 class. We need 8 families to run the class. RSVP by e-mail if interested:
Baby Flying Teaspoons is recommended for babies and toddlers from ages 3 months to 14 months.
Encourage your child’s uniqueness and creativity from the very start of life.  Songs emerge magically as your baby discovers, plays, and interacts in class. Musical connections nurture and deepen the relationship between parent/caregiver and baby and encourage natural curiosity.
Joanne’s CD "The Flying Teapot" is also used, along with multicultural music. There's movement, instrument play, balls, scarves, connections, and fun! You’ll be amazed at your child’s own expression. Joanne's vision is to create nurturing and joyful environments for babies and very young children.