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Monday, December 6, 2010


The 66th Precinct sent us an e-mail about holiday safety. Please be careful. We don't want you to get hurt!
The New York Police Department wants this to be a safe holiday season for all.  So, we remind you to follow these simple tips.
* Be alert and aware of your surroundings at all times. Criminals often target people who are distracted.
* Whether driving, walking or taking public transportation, plan the trip in advance,  Know your destination by the most direct and safest route.
* If possible, stay in designated waiting areas or in view of the station booth clerk while awaiting your train.  Never walk or stand near the edge of the subway platform.
* Travel on populated, well lit streets.  If possible, travel with a friend.
* Avoid leaving valuables in your car.  Whenever possible, place items out of sight in the trunk of your vehicle prior to reaching your destination.  Never leave packages in the passenger compartment unattended.
* Carry your purse close to your body.  Place one end of the purse in the palm of your hand and the other in the bend of the elbow.  Never wrap the strap around your body
The members of the 66th Precinct wish you all a happy, healthy and safe holiday season.
The precinct notes above that "Criminals often target people who are distracted." People using cell phones and smartphones have become popular targets for thieves--and so have the phones themselves.

It's better to surrender your possessions and your money than to risk injury or risk your life.

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