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Friday, December 31, 2010


Between Monday morning and 5:00 p.m. on Wednesday, the Office of the Public Advocate received 933 snow-related complaints from New York City residents. 520 of those complaints were for Brooklyn, and 360 of those 520 complaints were for South Brooklyn.

An analysis of the complaints, questions for the Office of Emergency Management about planning and preparing for this snowstorm (if any planning and preparing was done), and challenges concerning planning and preparation for future storms are contained in the report "72 Hour Storm Watch: Snapshot of Snowstorm Complaints to the Office of the Public Advocate."

As the report says--and as we all experienced--the storm "brought many neighborhoods to a halt, especially those in the outer-boroughs" and "it is clear that there were systemic problems in the way the Department of Sanitation approached snow clearances in the outer boroughs."