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Friday, December 10, 2010


Albemarle Neighborhood Association
Community Meeting Minutes of

The meeting was called to order at 7:00 p.m. All officers were present except Phoebe Fleitman.

Our special guest speaker was Noah Katz , the owner of Foodtown.

Foodtown has been going through some changes that Mr. Katz hopes we as a community are happy with.

There has been some activity with drivers outside Foodtown handing out flyers. Mr. Katz explained. Foodtown is a family-run business, part of a larger co-op of 13 stores. There are 65 Foodtown supermarkets all together, most in NJ. All are owned by different families, however, they all share buying power, which reduces costs.

For many years the Foodtown supermarkets have been buying the groceries from White Rose Foods based in central NJ. They have had a good relationship for many years. Businesses all over are trying to find ways to cut costs during this fragile economy. White Rose feels that the Foodtown accounts are not profitable enough for them to continue their business relationship.

In the process of White Rose dropping accounts, they are also scaling back on some of their employees. This has brought on a trickle effect that has some of the truck drivers from the Teamster Union very upset. None of these people have ever worked for Foodtown. They have been handing out flyers urging customers to not shop at Foodtown, that the store is dirty. Please remember these are members of a Union and they are simply utilizing their first amendment right to freedom of speech. Foodtown also has their own handouts to explain their side of the story.

As a community we have seen how far Foodtown has come with the new renovation & changes. Mr. Katz and his crew are doing their best to make our food shopping a positive experience. The feedback to Noah from the members and attendees of the ANA meeting was positive. Most people are very pleased with their selections, employees and how they operate the store. 

Some people would like to see the prices of organic products come down. Mr. Katz is hoping that as more farms provide organic products, the prices will come down. We are all in agreement. Larry is particularly satisfied with the price of the fat free peanut butter because it is ½ the price of Key Food!

The new supplier, CNS wholesale grocers is the largest grocery supplier on Eastern Seaboard with 50 distribution facilities. The also distribute to large name grocers like Pathmark & Waldbaums. So far, they started to see lower costs. Lower costs for Foodtown will translate to lower shelf prices for us consumers. 

Joy read the treasurers report with payments, dues and purchases as well as current balance.

NYC has been implementing the campaign, “If you see something, say something”.

Kensington needs to implement the same type of campaign. Please call 311 for noise complaints or people loitering. If you feel that you have been threatened or feel threatened in any way by people loitering in front of your home, on your block or in your neighborhood, please call 911. If your car, house or any type of personal property has been compromised by a crime of some sort, please call 911. The 66 precinct needs to know about these crimes.

It's the season for crime to rise during these holiday months. Please make sure all valuables, stuffed animals, loose change, ipods, and GPS are out of your car or out of sight to deter thieves & vandals.

The Albemarle Neighborhood Association once had a community anti-crime system. There were building and block captains to represent the community. Groups would walk or drive around as a neighborhood watch group to keep our streets safe. Our last meeting had representatives from the 66th precinct. We discussed the crime in the area. We need to keep our eyes & ears open. Please feel comfort in knowing that even if you leave your name with the 911 or 311 operators, your report is anonymous. If there is a commotion on your street, ask your neighbors on the block to also call 911 or 311.

Jim spoke about the importance of volunteers. Call for volunteers in the past was met with silence. To volunteer is not a major commitment and there is power in numbers. People can be given small tasks to help out. As a community, committee and members, we all need to step it up when called on for help.

Jessica Turner from Brad Lander’s office and Shawn Campbell from Jim Brennan’s were both present at our meeting. Both are concerned with the new rating system for teachers, TDR (Teacher Data Report).

Shawn would like to make people aware of Free Flu shots at Jim Brennan’s offices. Please call for an appointment: Tuesday, Dec. 15th in the Park Slope office & Wednesday Dec. 16th in the Cortelyou Road office.

ANA elections here. The Nominating Committee:
Barbara Arden, Paul Schulkes, Linda Henning, Diana Sanzone, Virginia Callahan (replaced Ann Cullari).

The only planned vacancy is a Recording Secretary.  If you would like to fill the recording secretary position, please contact someone on the nominating committee.

The ANA lost one of their longtime hardworking and dedicated members just recently. Connie Litwak will be missed!

The ANA would like to wish you all Happy Holidays and a wonderful New Year. We will see you at the next meeting

The meeting was adjourned at 8:00 p.m.

Respectfully Submitted,
Melanie Aiello,
Recording Secretary

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