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Tuesday, November 2, 2010


Prospect Park's extensively-renovated Vanderbilt Playground was opened to the public a month ago; yesterday, speeches and a ribbon-cutting ceremony marked its official opening.

Since October 1st--after a seemingly endless wait--children have been able to enjoy the playground's traditional and non-traditional play equipment, including a newly-installed "space ball" for older children (made of beams and poles that form ladders and monkey bars), bucket swings for babies, a slide and steering wheels for toddlers, spinning platters, and jungle gyms equipped with tunnels, slides, monkey bars, ropes, and chain ladders. One of the spinning platters and one of the jungle gyms is for older kids and another set is for younger kids.

In the summer, separate water features for toddlers and older children will form pools and streams that children can play in to cool off.

Other improvements include new benches, mats, drinking fountains, fencing, and plantings and increased security lighting.

Vanderbilt Playground is in Prospect Park near Prospect Park Southwest and Vanderbilt Street.