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Tuesday, November 30, 2010


Community Board 7 Transportation Committee Meeting
Thursday, December 2nd, 6:30 p.m. to 7:30 p.m.

CB 7's Transportation Committee will be meeting to discuss two petitions for speed humps.

One petition is from the residents of Ocean Parkway for one or more speed humps on the Ocean Parkway northbound service lane by Caton Avenue. The goal is to slow down the speeding traffic on Ocean Parkway between Caton Avenue and Park Circle. Everyone is invited to give testimony and present additional ideas, such as installing stop signs or a left-turn traffic light.

From a report by the New York City Department of City Planning, Transportation Division, "Prospect Park - Ocean Parkway Greenway Study":
Motorists using the Ocean Parkway east service road face no traffic signals, flashing lights, stop signs or crosswalks between Caton Avenue and Park Circle, which encourages travel at relatively higher speeds.

Equestrian traffic also frequently crosses the east service road at this intersection. A stop sign does exist for northbound traffic on East 8th Street.

NYCDOT should conduct an analysis of this intersection to determine whether it should be equipped with all-way stop signs for park-bound vehicular traffic on the east service road and for northbound traffic on East 8th Street. The need for laddered crosswalks along the southern and eastern edges of this intersection should also be analyzed. If NYCDOT determines that this intersection meets the standards for stop sign and crosswalk placement at this intersection, then they should be installed. See Figure 3-D.

As an alternative to stop signs and crosswalks, a speed hump could be installed on the service road.
The other petition for a speed hump is from residents of 47th Street between 3rd and 4th avenues.

For more information, call (718) 854-0003 or send an e-mail to communityboard7 [at] yahoo.com.

Community Board 7 meets in the Board Room at 4201 4th Avenue. The entrance is on 43rd Street.