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Thursday, November 11, 2010


Tables for Rent at the Holiday Bazaar at P.S. 130

P.S. 130 will be hosting a Holiday Bazaar on Saturday, December 11th. Rent table space to sell your wares! For just $25, you can have a table all day--from 10:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.
Do you have something to sell? Art? Crafts? Merchandise? Products?
Do you have a local business you would like to market, but you cannot commit to renting a table for the day? Donate an item for the raffle or items to sell and we will do your marketing for you.

It will be a great day: performances by a local dance group, musicians, and students, pictures with Santa, free crafts for kids, food, and more!

Please consider building a community relationship with P.S. 130. Rent a table! Donate! Stop by and shop!

Contact me with any questions you have.
Charlotte Kelly
charkellynyc [at] gmail.com

Published with the permission of Charlotte Kelly