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Monday, November 8, 2010


I recently discovered that Intel-Agent Computers over on 2907 Ft Hamilton Parkway does printing. So in order to save my sister and brother-in-law from more of my "OMG I need to print something out can I use your printer?" moments I have been going in there for all my printing needs (which have been many lately).

Anyway, I was surprised to discover that they are not just an internet cafe, but they have a shop in the back, do computer repairs, and sell new and used computers. It's a nice, friendly place that I'm happy to have in the neighborhood so I thought I would drop a line here about them. 
Reprinted with the permission of Michael Harren, Playground of Sound. Thanks, Michael.
Intel-Agent Computers
2907 Fort Hamilton Parkway (between E. 4th and E. 3rd streets)(347) 763-2686