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Tuesday, November 16, 2010


The meeting was called to order at 7:00 p.m. by Larry Jayson. All officers present except Phoebe Fleitman and Scott Allinson.

Minutes from previous meeting were read and approved by the membership.

Recording Co-Secretary Jasmina Nikolov reminded the membership of how we can combat garbage problems in Kensington:

Don’t like garbage? Making an effective complaint takes just a few minutes!

1)   Get organized – make sure that you have the location of the problem (intersection or address); get a pen and paper;
2)   Call 311;
3)   Clearly describe the problem. Where is it? On what dates and times have you observed the problem?
4)   Write down the complaint number;
5)   Call Veronica Guzman on her cell at (347) 325-4874 to register your complaint and number. She has agreed to keep a Kensington Garbage Complaint Database for all of us and will work with Shawn Campbell from Jim Brennan’s office to follow up on all complaints. You can also contact Bruno Iciano to follow up on complaints. Ask him how he’s doing and let him know that you heard him speak at the 9/16/10 Albemarle Neighborhood Association meeting.

You can report anything you want, including the following:
1)   Overflowing garbage cans;
2)   Garbage next to garbage cans;
3)   Someone throwing garbage on private property;
4)   Businesses using public sidewalk space (e.g. Old McDonald’s Farm on the corner of Church Avenue and Beverley Road has started expanding its business onto the new sidewalk extension).

It’s Election Season!

President Larry Jayson stated that he will appoint a Nominating Committee to start the election process at the next meeting in November. Nominees will be introduced to the membership March meeting. The March meeting is when anyone can nominate any ANA member in good standing for election to the board. Voting will take place at the April meeting and during May officers will be installed.

Do you want to make a difference as a member of the ANA Board? Anyone can run for the board! It's easy! There are two ways to do it.
1) If you are interested in running for the Board and you can commit soon, please speak to the Nominating Committee at the next meeting in November.

2) If you are not sure and need time think about it, you can simply ask someone to nominate you "off of the floor" during the March meeting.
Not sure if being a board member is right for you? Feel free to talk to any of the current board members. We'd be happy to share our experiences with you. Even if you aren't ready to commit to being on the board, you can request to join a committee.

Guest Speakers: Detective Vincent Galeno and Sergeant Adriano from the 66th Precinct.

The ANA was fortunate to have Detective Vincent Galeno and Sergeant Adriano as our special guests from the 66th Precinct.  Residents reported the following “problem” areas:

-  Increasing gang activity, loud parties in one apartment at 178 Ocean Parkway;
-  East 3rd between Albemarle and Church is a house with some wild kids;
-  On Tehama and Chester there is a white building that houses some troubled kids; they often fight with the kids who live on East 3rd Street, throw garbage cans at cars, cause trouble every single weekend.
-  In front of the Medical Office (close to the elevator) on McDonald Avenue lots of homeless alcoholics congregate. They sleep, drink, pee, and “hang out like it’s the bar.”  They also make lewd comments to women. A neighbor who lives on the block stated that he and his neighbors are concerned about “safety, security, and privacy.”
-  Cars are habitually broken into on Albemarle between East 5th and Ocean Parkway. Neighbors also report the presence of hookers. Lights are out and there is too much shade. Jim said that “one side has a lot of trees and dog feces.” Larry will call the Community Board to ask for the trees to be trimmed so there is more visibility.
-  114 Albemarle Road has a gang from Bed Stuy who may be related to the Bloods or Crips. Police were shocked to hear this as there have been no other reports of these gangs in our precinct.

Residents complained about the following incidents:
- On Saturday, October 16th a neighbor witnessed a kid get beat up by five or six kids next to the elevator on McDonald Avenue. Cops were called, but never came.
-  Neighbors have seen junkies on McDonald Ave.
-  Four kids from PS 230 were found at a Hooky Party (a party where kids run wild and drink, do drugs, smoke, and are recruited into gangs). This Hooky Party had thirty kids going wild in an abandoned apartment); this neighbor requested that the 66th Precinct offer a Gang-prevention Workshop at PS 230. 
-  An unreported attempted break-in on East 4th between Church and Albemarle.
-  One resident reported that he sometimes hears someone fiddling with his lock while he is in the apartment.  Police said that the best way to respond is to make a lot of noise and call 911. 

One neighbor emphatically stated that “Crime has gone up after thirty years.”

Police said that the police are aware of many of these incidents and problem areas. Just because you don’t see a patrol car doesn’t mean that the police aren’t in an unmarked car surveying the area. Even Police Commissioner Kelley "knows that we are short 5,000 cops.” Our neighborhood just got a permanently assigned policeman, Officer Shum, who patrols Church and McDonald in a scooter. The police will work with Veronica Guzman to bring a Gang-Prevention Workshop to PS 230. 

Vandals are attracted to ANYTHING left in cars.Do not leave the following items in your car:
-       Change
-       Cell Phones
-       GPS
-       Anything visible
-       Dust rings which may indicate the presence of a GPS
An Important Reminder:  CRIMES DO NOT EXIST if YOU DO NOT take the time to report them! Call 311 in non-emergency situations or 911 when someone is in danger.

The meeting was adjourned by Jim Henning, Vice President, at 8:00 p.m.
Respectfully Submitted,
Jasmina Nikolov,
Recording Secretary