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Saturday, October 2, 2010


Through CSAs (Community Supported Agriculture), people buy locally-produced, seasonal food directly from farmers. In our neighborhood, we have the KWT CSA--Kensington/Windsor Terrace Community Supported Agriculture.

If you're interested in signing up for the CSA for 2011, send an e-mail to kwtcsa@gmail.com. The demand for fresh food outpaces the supply, so current CSA members are given priority over new members.

With his permission, a letter written by Evan Sargent about the KWT CSA is reprinted below.
Hi all,
It's time to sign up for the KWT Winter CSA!

This year we have the option of buying an extended share that goes through April. We need 20 members to qualify for the extended share so let me know if you're interested - we have had 30 members the last 2 years so we should be fine.

Please pass this along to anyone you think may be interested. Also, we will need a new liaison to the Oak and Iris - this would fill your job requirement for membership and you wouldn't have to work a shift. Please let me know if you live near the Oak and the Iris and would like to be the contact person for the owner.

For more info, visit the site: http://www.wintersunfarms.com/kensington.php

Our delivery dates will be:
December 14th
January 11th
February 15th
March 15th

thanks so much! Looking forward to a great winter!

Evan Sargent

The foods available through a winter share from Winter Sun Farms are red, yellow, and green peppers, green beans, edamame, broccoli florets, corn, San Marzano plum tomatoes, butternut squash puree, kale, collards, pea shoots, blueberries, raspberries, and blackberries.